About Me Bio

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Hi, my name is Gillian, and I really enjoy working with people who want to realise positive change in their lives.

My story/My journey
I grew up as an only child on a dairy farm and felt quite isolated until I started school. At school, I was bullied and as a consequence I lacked self-confidence and had low self-esteem. This, coupled with my desire to please others and the need to fit in or belong, led to the depression I experienced as I got older.

My journey of life’s challenges – not unlike many others – led to a life of medication and unhappiness until I made a decision that there must be more to life than antidepressants and the misery I was feeling.

For as long as I can remember, I have been insatiably curious about human potential and my journey through self-development started with education, training and research. I am not the person I used to be and now I have the tools, the passion and the life experience to support others on their journey to living a life they can love.

Today, my life has become an adventure as you never know what is around the corner.

With the knowledge that no matter what challenges or roadblocks present themselves, it’s how you deal with it – not the issue itself – that matters. I believe you have the power to change your life, take the driver’s seat and achieve success at whatever you put your mind to and live a life you can love.

I did it and I know you can too, you just have to want it badly enough and believe you can.

I am a Stress Management Specialist; Master Practitioner in N.L.P, Time Line Therapy, and Hypnotherapy; a Teacher, a Life Coach, a Councillor, an Artist and now a published Author.

My Business
Life Circle Solutions grew from the awareness that we can divide up our lives into 6 to 9 sections on a pie chart, which is a major step in discovering where you are at any one point in time.

When this chart is filled out you can discover what the highlights are and what is missing in your life. This then will support you and give you clarity
on why you are feeling the way you do at any one point in time.

The ultimate aim being to live a completely balanced life style around your unique needs, desires and dreams that align with your true authentic

About Me Bio

All my programs are based on four important points and designed to give you a kick start to being empowered to live your best life.

1. Education: teaching you what you don’t know.
2. Awareness: how the topic relates to you.
3. Action: what you need to do to create the life you want.
4. Ongoing support: for as long as you need it.

“YOU” have the power to change every aspect of your life that you are not
happy with.

You can be the person you want to be if you want it badly enough.
I have the tools that can help and support you to move forward.
I can keep you accountable to your dreams if that’s what you need.
I can give you objectivity and support to make the changes you desire.
You have the power to change every aspect of your life that you are not happy with.

My message is clear: discover your flow, recharge and be empowered to live a life you can love. Decide today and take responsibility for how you feel and why!

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“Coffee Shop Conversations

For tips on how, quotes to remind you and education to support you to live a positive life, a life you can love.

Monthly Newsletter

So, join my Monthly Newsletter. Coffee Shop Conversations
For tips on how, quotes to remind you and education to support you to live a positive life, a life you can love.


Join my Meetup group Living life Connections.

A community of likeminded people who want to get out there and get back into living life, have some fun, regain confidence and enjoy every moment we have on this earth.

Social Media

Join my Facebook Group ‘Living Your Best Life’

This is where you will find a likeminded community, free trainings quotes meditations and more.
